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Kroka's summer apprentice program offers a unique and powerful 10-week season of learning, hard work, and community. We provide room and board, training, and personal mentoring, and an abundance of spirit and adventure. In exchange, we demand full participation for the duration of the program, together with an honest striving for personal growth in service to the larger community.

Apprentices (including program teaching apprentices, office interns, farm apprentices, and food apprentices) are awarded all of the expectations and privileges of seasonal staff, with some exceptions as outlined below:


  • will be mentored by lead teaching staff
  • will support all aspects of Kroka programs, from preparation to teaching students to post-program tasks
  • will adhere to safety and risk management decisions made by teaching staff
  • may be required to hold a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certification (provided for a fee at summer staff training)
  • will not transport students in any vehicle on public roads
  • will not operate the tractor unsupervised


  • will apply themselves fully to daily projects as directed, seeking new tasks as work is finished
  • will have a weekly check-in meeting with apprentice coordinator or staff mentor
  • will attend all organized weekly recreational activities, apprentice meetings, and training days
  • will leave campus only with explicit permission of apprentice coordinator or senior staff member
  • will maintain the highest standard of personal hygiene, clean clothing, and clean dwelling at all times
  • will be resting in their personal dwelling (not farmhouse or Gaspe) by 9:30 PM each evening
  • will reside in their assigned village dwelling, and not transfer dwellings or sleep at night in any other location on campus without permission of apprentice coordinator or senior staff member

SPECIAL ROLES : farm apprentices, office interns, and food apprentices have unique responsibilities - which sometimes do not fit into the weekly routine of the program teaching apprentices. At times these people may need to work and rest on a different weekly schedule than the rest of the apprentice community.

TECHNOLOGY VS COMMUNITY: In order to preserve the wilderness community immersion experience for young staff and students, personal electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, etc.) will be collected at season start and accessible for use only during a limited period of time on days off, under the supervision of the apprentice coordinator. Apprentices should see the apprentice coordinator if they have any urgent or emergency communication needs.

FREEDOM & REST Some young people are surprised and challenged by the high expectations and lack of personal freedom during the 10-week apprentice program. Before signing your contract, please be prepared for the possibility of 10 weeks of continuous uninterrupted work - similar to a 10-week wilderness expedition.

FAMILY & FRIENDS We attempt to offer apprentices up to one-week of personal unpaid leave for pre-arranged family vacations or family reunions - this time must be arranged and documented when your summer apprentice contract is first signed. Family members are welcome to visit you on the Kroka campus as long at does not interfere with your assigned program work responsibilities. Kroka semester alumni are welcome to visit apprentices on campus and join in semester student recreational activities with permission of senior staff or apprentice coordinator.

Violation of these terms can result in immediate cancellation of your apprentice contract and dismissal from the Kroka campus.