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Use of Technology

In order to preserve the peaceful nature of the campus environment and the social health of our community, we insist on some strict limitation on the use of personal technologies.

The following rules restrict the use of personal "cell phones" (which would include tablets, smart watches, and other internet-enabled devices)

  • cell phones will not be used for navigation purposes while on a Kroka program
  • cell phones will not be used to record or display photographs, music, or video in the presence of students
  • cell phones will not be used within the visible or audible presence of students
  • cell phones will not be used during a staff or student community mealtimes
  • cell phones will not be used during any staff or community meetings

Note: In addition to cellphones, these other devices are also subject to similar sensitivities and restrictions: computer, calculator, GPS, e-readers, cell phone, mp3 players, tablets, ipads, radio, television, DVD player, gaming device, etc.

In addition, we invite staff to consider a Kroka lifestyle where there is some separation between the modern/connected/technological world and the nature-connected / inter-personal life of the "village".


  • During a life-threatening emergency there are no restrictions on cell phone use. Note that getting lost, cold, hungry, tired, bored, annoyed, or missing a great photo opportunity are not life threatening emergencies.
  • Simple watches and clocks for telling time are permitted for staff and visiting teachers, but not students.
  • Cameras – including video cameras - (that are strictly cameras and have no other functionality) are permitted for staff and visiting teachers only (not students). Please do not review, preview, or watch images on the camera while in the presence of students.
  • Kroka Cell Phones and/or Satellite Phones and/or GPS devices are permitted if being carried by staff during a program. Devices must be kept packed in zip-lock bag or pelican case and turned-off except in case of emergency or critical logistical communications. We ask that staff do NOT carry personal cell phones on programs.
  • Year-Round Senior Staff (Directors, Farmers, Managers) may need to carry cell phone at certain times, but must have the ringer turned off while in the student village.
  • Any staff may carry campus two-way radio at any time in any place.


Playing recorded music, or listening to the radio out loud (without headphones) is permitted in indoor utility work areas (not office spaces) as long as there are NO STUDENTS PRESENT within hearing distance. Examples of these spaces include: Kitchen, Food Room, Boat House, Bike Shop, Farm Office, Sewing Room, or Workshop.


In order to preserve safety, social approachability, and unfiltered experience of the natural world, the use of electronic “earbuds”, “earphones” or “headphones” for entertainment is NOT PERMITTED while working on the Kroka campus or driving a Kroka vehicle.


In order to preserve the common space, the watching of on-screen entertainment (movies, shows, documentaries etc.) is restricted to the attic staff lounge. An exception is made for staff movie nights: When it is raining, or on days when the temperature outdoors is below 50 degrees, (and only when no students are on campus), staff may enjoy a movie night in the farmhouse community room provided that the event is announced by 6:00 PM and all staff are invited.


Wireless internet “WIFI” access for staff personal devices is available on a limited basis during certain hours of the day - currently 5:00 AM - 9:30 PM.