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Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees meets throughout the year to advise the executive director, oversee the financial well-being of the organization, and make strategic decisions.

Year-Round staff Year Round Staff are hired to work throughout the calendar year to support the ongoing work of planning and carryong out Kroka programs. They are paid a salary or by the hour. They often work across many different programs.

Seasonal Staff & Apprentices Seasonal Staff are hired for a fixed period of time to meet seasonal program needs. The pay schedule for seasonal staff is presented in weekly pay rates. However, since programs rarely run exactly 7 days in length (with preparation and cleanup days), wages are calculated on a daily basis at 1/7 of their contracted weekly rate. Apprentices are typically young people who are given room and board and a small financial stipend in exchange for their commitment to work and learn at Kroka for a period of time. The apprenticeship program is designed for Kroka alumni as a step towards future employment.

Guest Teachers & Specialists Guest Teachers and Specialists may come to provide special skills that are not available within the Kroka staff community. Some guest teachers are paid as employees, and others as independent contractors at a pay rate that reflects their value and expertise.